Calibogue Cruises Ferry
P=Palmetto Breeze Passengers Allowed
T=Travelers and Luggage Allowed
HHI=Hilton Head Island
DI=Daufuskie Island
Monday & Friday
6:45am (P/T) 7:45am (P/T)
11:am 12:pm
4:00pm (P/T) 5:15pm (P/T)
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00am 10am (P/T)
11:00am 2:30pm (P/T)
4:00pm (P/T) 5:15pm (P/T)
6:45am (P/T) 7:45am (P/T)
9:00am 10am (P/T)
11:am 2:30pm (P/T)
4:00pm (P/T) 5:15pm (P/T)
Saturday & Sunday
11:00am(P/T) 12:00 pm(P/T)
4:00pm(P/T) 5:15pm(P/T)
Reservations a Must!
Narrated Bus Tours.
Tues - Thursday $30pp, or included in the $64 package deal
Golf Carts
Self-guided tour, map included
$60 for 2-4 seaters | $85 for 6 seaters
Golf cart rental is also included in the $64 package deal.
$120 for a full day golf cart rental 2-4 seater
$170 for a full day golf cart rental 6 seater
We do offer overnight cats rental
Guest Cabins
$100 and up per night (cart not included)
Freeport Marina General Store Hours
Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM | Saturday & Sunday, 8 AM - 6 PM
Land Transportation
Whether you're arriving or departing, Daufuskie Freeport Land Transportation can assist you in getting to your residence or vacation destination. Price is $20 per person round trip. Children 2 and under are free. Please call 843-342-8687 to arrange drop off or pick up.
Calibogue Cruises Baggage and Parcel Services
Guests can carry on two small items. Airplane size or single handle coolers are OK. All other Baggage, Totes, Coolers, Luggage and Parcels must be checked in at the Calibouge Cruise office at Broad Creek Marina. All items must be tagged with a Calibouge Cruise information tag. These tags can be obtained from the Calibouge Cruise office (Hilton Head). Each additional item will be $20.00 round trip, even if the item does not come back.Parcels and Baggage can not exceed 50lbs per item. All luggage will go over on the 7:15 am or the 4:00 pm boat.
No luggage nor travelers will be carried on the mid day runs. No Palmetto Breeze tickets will be accepted on the mid day runs Monday- Fridays Perishable items my go over in bags or coolers but are limited to two per person at the additional cost. Year round Island Residents are allowed two carry on items and two cases of drinks. All other items will be charged $10.00 per parcel and are also limited to the 7:15am and the 4:00pm runs.
Departing Daufuskie
All items must be tagged with a Calibogue Cruise tag that can be obtained from the Calibogue Cruise office on Hilton Head . The tag must include your name, address, phone number and where you are staying on the island. All items must be able to endure the elements from traveling and being staged in open environments. Transportation Fees: $20 per tagged item round trip All policies and pricing apply to Calibogue Cruise and Palmetto Breeze tickets Calibogue Cruise Office 843.342.TOUR ( 8687 ) Freeport General Store 843.785.8242
Private Ferry Schedule
We are proud to offer a piravte ferry service for up to 14 people. Please call 843-342-8686 for more information!
Enjoy Barge Schedule
Due to the daily changing tides, please call us for an appointment at 843.247.5378. Office opens at 8am-4pm Monday-Friday.

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